Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dress for the Part

Act as if the things you envision in your life, you already have.

What do you envision for your life, what are your dreams? Now take those dreams, and be specific. We all want to be #happy, but what is it that makes you happy? How does your future self dress, act, what does the BEST VERSION OF YOU do on a daily basis? Write it down, focus on it, do the things as if you are already that future vision of yourself. Remind yourself of this vision daily, keep it fresh in your mind. The mind is a very powerful tool, it can make you happy, it can make you sad, it can #FOCUS on anything you tell it to. So why focus on anything but what it is that you want.

The world isn't going to do all the work for you, so get up, do the thing. Jeff Olson says "Do the thing, have the power." So what's holding you back, those steps that require you to get to the next level in life... Do them. There is always a "next step." There will always be something in life that you need to work on, but that's what sets successful people apart from the rest, the 5%.

Somebody once said, "If you want to have the success that the 5% have, then you must have the #GUTS to do the things that the 5% do."

What is it that you need to be doing to #propel your life?

Monday, June 27, 2016

Dogs Don't Bark at Parked Cars

Well it's true.

Do your thing. Be whatever it is that you love to do. Be.

Growing up we were told we could be 

"anything we wanted"

... but somewhere along the way we stopped believing that it was a possibility. Some of us never start, some of us try and then get discouraged at the first sight of failure. Some of us take longer than others, and some of us will try until they make it. There are very few of us that will keep going after the first failure, the feeling of rejection can be a real gut-punch. But if you never try, you'll never feel that gut-punch that will remind you that at least you're trying.
The haters can keep on hating. Truth is, they're scared that you're gonna go & be that amazing you that you are & leave them in the dust. If you were to stop & throw rocks at every dog along the way,...

You'd never get to where you're going.
Stay in motion.

Dogs don't bark at parked cars, you're doing it right. 
Look at every situation as a stepping stone, in the right direction. I've always loved the saying, "A rolling stone gathers no moss." 
Well, clearly, because it doesn't stop long enough 

Mistake or Decision?

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Long Lines @ the DMV

"When you ask for patience, life gives you a line at the grocery store"
Remember that one?
If you can wrap your mind around that one, take a minute to let this one sink in.

When you ask for true love, loyalty, understanding, all of the things that you seek in the person who you imagine in your head to be your "one & only,",your "soulmate."...

Do you NOT expect there to be a long line......? Right?

It also goes hand in hand with the saying "anything worth having is worth waiting for"

So many people settle, and I don't simply mean they settled because one's better than the other, we are all equal. But by settling, they JUMP into the what feels "RIGHT NOW" as opposed to the alternative of being alone.

I'd have to say, knowing & trusting that the dots of my life will somehow "connect in the future" (yep, Steve Jobs quote there for ya) I will take the quality line over quantity anyway.

Just start paying attention, what is life trying to teach you? Cause it will keep coming back until you learn it. <3

Thursday, June 23, 2016



Although there are many meemes and play on words with this one, I find this to be the truest form of acknowledgment & acceptance towards one another.Honestly never thought about it until just recently. Considering I didn't know the meaning of it lol I think it's ok.

"The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another."

Again, like one of my previous blog posts about Radiating Love... If it comes from the heart, it can't be faked, and its the most sincere form of love.So, for all of you that just FEEL your conversations with the ones you love, for the ones who THINK of others before yourself, and the ones who focus on making people better and uplifting them rather than bashing them......Namaste.


An all-time favorite! Puts chills down my spine.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Where are YOU from??

I'm curious,
Where is everyone from?

see down below....

Where it says "COMMENT"
Tell me your City, State

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Radiate Love

Most all of the personal development I've come across says,
"First you must love yourself." 

When you love someone, you take the time to get to know them. You listen to their needs, even when they're unspoken. Time spent together is enjoyed to the fullest, and you would do anything to help them succeed.
(Love breeds happy, which in turn is success) 
If you can't take the time & patience to learn & love yourself, how do you expect to have it in you to pour out into another? Take the mental image of trying to pour from an empty vase, there's nothing to give.

When you open yourself up to the possibility of love you are setting yourself up for success. If you are only focusing on the negatives, you are essentially attracting more negatives. Instead, focus on love & acceptance & the positives,  allowing all the good the universe has to offer to come your way.
An understanding that what you send out will in return come back to you. You could call it the #boomerang effect ;)
There's a pretty good Ted Talk about #oxytocin and what it boils down to, the Dr. prescribes 8 hugs a day.

Go hug some people, see how it makes your heart feel!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Purity Among Muck
Tattoo by Kim Kress @ Suite C Tattoo

The Lotus

The lotus, a symbol of environmental success, rebirth, beauty & purity.

A reminder, that even though something may have the worst surroundings, with persistence & perseverance, one can come out the other end  beautiful and pure. 

In life, we are given all the experiences that we need, in the moment of need, to learn the lessons in which we need to learn.
"Life will give you whatever experience is the most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness."
 If you ask for patience, you'll be faced with the longest & slowest line at the DMV. The lessons of life are ones in which we need to learn from, and if needed, will come back over & over again until we have learned the necessary lesson.

You are not a mistake, and your life lessons are not mistakes unless you neglect to learn from them.
We are in fact, products of our environments. Like the lotus, with persistence & perseverance, we too may come out the other end beautiful & pure.

So, take a look at your life lessons, what have you learned?

Sunday, June 19, 2016


The gasoline to your fire. The fuel that keeps you burning.
Passion, do you know what you're passionate about?

Recently I've heard the most obvious yet astounding saying..
"You can fail at doing what you dont like, so you might as well do what you *LOVE*."

Simple right?
If you know what you're passionate about yes. If you know what ignites that fire in you're soul that keeps you up late at night and wakes you up early. Have you ever tried to promote something that's not yours? Something you know little to nothing about? Building somebody else's dreams, while on one hand are rewarding, yet it's not propelling your own dream.
Have you ever promoted yourself, your own dream? It's much easier to be better at something you're passionate about.

I challenge you,
Spend some time with yourself. What makes your heart go #pitterpatter, what is it that you're passionate about?

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Meaning

Jim Carrey says it best

Lessons Into Actions

It starts with school.
It's a requirement, you're there because you have to be. What one does beyond high school is up to them. 
Next there's college. Of the ones who go, there are a few different types of groups of students. There's the ones who go simply because it's expected, and most importantly, already paid for. Then there's the ones who are there on purpose. Weather it be to kill time until they have found what they want to do with their lives, or the ones who already know what they want. 
After college it's "Welcome to the real world" which is scary as shit. Especially for those without a clue as to what it is they want to be/do. The famous question asked of students and young adults, "What do you want to BE when you grow up?" 

-Hold up. Is this a trick question? Seriously. 

Life up until this point has been a series of classes & to-do lists.
Now we are allowed to just BE. To do whatever it is that you want. Sleep, eat, play. Repeat. Am I wrong? ;) 

But it's those that take the lessons they've learned, and apply them to real life. Mapping out ones own future. Jim Carrey says in one of his famous inspirational videos that "our eyes are not viewers, they are also projectors" 
Take a moment to let that sink in. 

Until next time.