Saturday, June 25, 2016

Long Lines @ the DMV

"When you ask for patience, life gives you a line at the grocery store"
Remember that one?
If you can wrap your mind around that one, take a minute to let this one sink in.

When you ask for true love, loyalty, understanding, all of the things that you seek in the person who you imagine in your head to be your "one & only,",your "soulmate."...

Do you NOT expect there to be a long line......? Right?

It also goes hand in hand with the saying "anything worth having is worth waiting for"

So many people settle, and I don't simply mean they settled because one's better than the other, we are all equal. But by settling, they JUMP into the what feels "RIGHT NOW" as opposed to the alternative of being alone.

I'd have to say, knowing & trusting that the dots of my life will somehow "connect in the future" (yep, Steve Jobs quote there for ya) I will take the quality line over quantity anyway.

Just start paying attention, what is life trying to teach you? Cause it will keep coming back until you learn it. <3

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