Sunday, June 19, 2016


The gasoline to your fire. The fuel that keeps you burning.
Passion, do you know what you're passionate about?

Recently I've heard the most obvious yet astounding saying..
"You can fail at doing what you dont like, so you might as well do what you *LOVE*."

Simple right?
If you know what you're passionate about yes. If you know what ignites that fire in you're soul that keeps you up late at night and wakes you up early. Have you ever tried to promote something that's not yours? Something you know little to nothing about? Building somebody else's dreams, while on one hand are rewarding, yet it's not propelling your own dream.
Have you ever promoted yourself, your own dream? It's much easier to be better at something you're passionate about.

I challenge you,
Spend some time with yourself. What makes your heart go #pitterpatter, what is it that you're passionate about?

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